OK, you've collected the dust ....

John Sprung

New member
I found out the hard way that if I just bag up the fine dust from my shop vac and put it in the trash, that the bags rupture and spread dust around the neighborhood when the city truck picks it up. A couple of the neighbors noticed it, too.

So now what I do is put a plastic trash bag in a 5 gallon bucket, followed by a couple gallons of water. Wearing a gulf war surplus Israeli gas mask, I empty the shop vac into the bucket and clean its filter. I fill the bucket the rest of the way with other dusty stuff, like broken plaster from remodeling, or dirt from digging. Then I add water until everything is completely soaked, tie it off, and put it in the dumpster. This turns the dust into mud, and keeps it from getting airborne again.

So, what do you do about getting rid of dust?

-- J.S.
I haul my "dust collection" out to my garden and dump it on the paths between the garden beds. Once it's rained or I've watered, it mats down nicely and is great for preventing weeds from growing. Also much better than walking in the mud!

With regards to cleaning shopvac filters, I simply hold the filter towards the back of my miter saw intake port and let my cyclone do the dirty work. Works great. My shopvac sits in the corner more these days, however, since I piped my machines to Ed's cyclone. :D